Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009
Jumat, 06 November 2009
My new Ranger Watch!
Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009
Hectic weekend
Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009
Amazing Juniors (2)
Amazing Juniors (1)
Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009
Mie Kaki
Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009
IRMAS 22 telah membuat Masjid Al-Kautsar TIDAK BISA DIGUNAKAN UNTUK SHALAT dengan Sengaja!
Kami gulung semua karpet sajadah, kami ambil seluruh mukena, kami keluarkan seluruh barang" d sekret, bahkan kami keringkan kolam ikan!
dengan sengaja kami siram tempat shalat dengan air hingga air menggenang!
*sebenernya mah itu lagi beresin masjid
afwan semua nya
Hari ini kami pulang cepat pukul 10.00, lalu kris dan lain" membicarakan masalah BTS (bina Taqwa Siswa alias Pesantern Kilat), ana mah lagi ngurusin urusan lain. trus ba'da zuhur rapat singkat beberapa panitia BTS, cuma memastikan saja kesiapan. abis itu, it's cleaning time (baca : waktu nya nguli [dari kata dasar "kuli"] )
waktu mulai bersih" sekitar pukul 13.00 dengan pembagian tugas : ahwat beresin sekret, ikhwan beresin sisa nya.
Trus ana mulai dengan membersihkan lantai atas, tempat shalat ahwat yang terkenal dengan ketebalan debu nya yang (katanya ga bisa dibersihin). bandel bgt debu nya. dari jaman nya almarhum (Alm. Ari), beliau bilang lantai masjid yg berdebu susah bgt di bersihin walaupun udah di pel. jad kalo menempelkan jari dilantia, trus di drag sedikit, pasyi masih ada debu yang nempel di jari. heu...
langkah pertama, semprot kaca nya
kedua, drag bekas semprotan supaya kotoran yang menempel terbawa oleh air sabun semprotan itu dan jatuh kebawah
ketiga, lap sisa" sabun dan kotoran.
maka, CLIIING kaca pun bersih!
abis kelar, beli pembersih lantai dulu. Tapi masih teringat tentang debu" di lantai atas.
lalu teringat tentang prinsip membersihkan kaca tadi. logika nya:
kalo kaca cuma di lap, kotoran nya masih sering nempel, sama kaya lantai kalo cuma di pel. maka harus ada terobosan baru
berart cara paling cepet ya, pel basah. lantai di guyur pake air sampe becek, baru dikeringin pake serokan air! Brilliant !
Langsung deh cara ekstrim itu di cobain.
sasaran pertama adalah lantai atas tapi yang luar nya (beranda). itu juga sebagai percobaan kalo gagal, ya jangan di praktekan lagi -___-
trus yang ana ajak prakoso sama adi bwd pesta air. bawa ember ke lantai atas sama pel dan serokan air, trus langsung BYUR! guyur aja lantai luarnya, eh adi sama prakoso malah main ngesot"an sampe adi nabrak tembok. ana ajak kris keatas, kris cuma bilang "astagfirullah" sambil cengengesan. trus abis diguyur total, baru d di keringin pake serokan air. setelah menunggu sekitar 1 jam, hasil nya
WOW, lantai nya bisa jadi keset kaya' di iklan. cuma emang masih ada sedikit genangan air sama ada beberapa tempat nyang berbekas kotor. tapi itu bisa di hilangkan setelah di pel sekali lagi.
setelah itu, baru d kita lakukan langkah militan dengan mengguyur tempat shalat nya di lantai atas. mukena di keluarin trus akirnya di putuskan untuk di cuci ke laundry biar 'layak' dipakai lagi. ternyata cara itu pun SUKSES, lantai atas pun bisa keset lagi!
Trus karen nyerokin air membutuhkan banyak energi, kita jadi cape, trus istirahat. baru d pada makan siang jam 3 -___-
abis itu, shalat ashar. ba'da ashar, kita pengen santai" aja. tapi ternyata lantai bawah masih berdebu nakal. padahal kita semua udah cape bgt, tapi akhirnya ana pikir mau ga mau harus di pel. jadi di pel biasa aja..
eh, tapi emang dasar iseng, akhirnya ana bawa gayur bwd nyiprat"in air sedkit trus di serok lagi air nya. tapi, karena keterusan akhirnya sampe basah lagi -___-
trus harus diserok lagi..
capeee bgt. tapi alhamdulillah masjid bebas dari kutukan debu nakal itu.
Kami pulang pukul 18.30, ga kerasa hampir 5 jam bersihin masjid, subhanallah, dan kita jadi ekskul terakhir yang pulang hari itu...
sebelum pulang, kami berseru
Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2009
Power Ranger Overdrive on Indonesia!
ini adalah episode power ranger operation overdrive yang ngambil latar cerita d Indonesia! Menarik nya di Indonesia, mereka mencari Meram Ki Amok yang emang ada di Indonesia. this is the episode Goide from
power ranger operation overdrive: Behind the Scenes
Kamdor and Flurious make an alliance. Kamdor will help get rid to the Rangers so Flurious can get the Canon of Ki Amuk. Hartford won't tell Tyzonn about his new zord until its complete. Reporter Jessica Jeffries visits Hartford. She is an old friend of his from college who once dreamed of being a field reporter. Jessica asks Hartford if the Rangers can appear on her show. The Rangers appear on Good Morning San Angeles with Jessica as host. They are excited , Dax is star struck. Miratrix desguises herself as someone from the Mayor's outfit and gives Jessica some medals to give to the Rangers. Kamdor's plan is to use one of the medals to mess with Tyzonn's alien body. As the Ranger's leave Tyzonn starts to feel strange. The Fearcats steal Flurious' robot mecha so they can get their hands on the Canon of Ki Amuk. Hartfod finds some jewel energy reading coming from Indonesia. The Rangers go to investigate while an ill Tyzonn stays behind to rest. The Rangers battle the Fearcats, who wind up with the Canon of Ki Amuk. They use it to decimate the Megazord. Jessica decides to cover the battle instead of a dog show. She sees that the Rangers have lost. And gets a bad feeling about the medals she gave them. She goes to visit Andrew and tells him that she found out the Mayor never sent medals. She stakes Tyzonn's medal off of him. Which restores him to normal. The Rangers try to use the back up zords but are overpowered again. Tyzonn shows up with a new set of Zords. He forms the Flashpoint Megzord and destorys the mecha. He obtains the Canon of Ki Amuk. The Rangers show off real medals of the mayorr. Andre thinks the cannon will be important in future missions. The Rangers find out that Jesica has quit her job to live her dream as a field reporter.
kalo mautau episode lenngkap nya bisa cari di youtube pake keyword: power ranger operation overdrive Behind the Scene
Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009
Playing on Google
Drama (again) in Schoolympic debating competition
Jumat, 07 Agustus 2009
Minggu, 12 Juli 2009
Shaman king KangZengBang
Jumat, 10 Juli 2009 14 jakarta part-2 : a slumdog debaters Beat the city!
but i like the committee's effort to announce best 8 team to quarter final. they used snapshot of things that that teams always bring. first, they showed a snapshot of somethings. that thing was belong to the team who broke to semifinal. when there was a picture of a binder and green pencil, i shouted! we break into quarter final!
3rd day (sunday march 29th 2009)
we started today with hope we could win and pay all of our loans [shame..shame..]. today we faced 14 jkt B in quarter final.
announcement to semifinal .
well one step toward to the final!
we met SMAN 1 Depok as an opponent in semifinal. we go motion THBT ASEAN should have its own army. we got negative. I made mistake when I brought justification late.
announcement to Final.
It is the most creative and taking much time for announcement. Every semifinalist got different card with clue written on that card.
nice job when Haryo, me, and Fiki threw our self esteem in order to get last card. and agita "kindly" gave last card written "TRES BIEN".
and every team didn't get challenge like us. just Cisauk...
then, that clue who decided we go to final or not. and TRES BIEN means..
EXELLENT : we went to final!!!
Final round facing 14 jkt A who beat us in preliminary. the motion was THW abolish unanimity decision in European Union.
but we keep on casebuild.
The final started. we did our best. but actually it wasn't best debate coz our performance was so so..
we just can pray God give us good luck.
Then, the announcement time!
Government side of the House : CISAUK!
God! a slumdog who came from nowhere village goes to the city and got a glory..
thx Naufal! u have coached us 3 times and u bring us as the winner! what a great [gay] coach u r! (kidding..)
Well, we came home with public transport again. But we enjoy it! 3 guys [from nowhere village] 14 jakarta part-1 : Luck and bad luck, the journey of struggle!
20.30, my phone was ringing. and I got bad news that Linguistic debating competition (IC) was canceled. my plans ruin suddenly coz I have planned to send 2 teams to IC and just 1 team to scooter (14 jkt). Naufal offered me to divert all of teams to scooter but my biggest problem is MONEY.
I have a few money. even I haven't paid my school fee coz I used it to pay many things for debate. But I have no choice. Go to scooter, or just do nothing. I took all risk : GO TO SCOOTER without sufficient preparation and money
When I reached home I wanna prepare the matters. But then i remembered that the motions was in my flashdisk and MY FLASHDISK WAS IN ZURA!
my bad luck continued. I forgot to save zura's number. i have no preparation at that time
1st day (Friday, march 27th 09)
07.00, we skipped our class. I took my flashdisk back. we discussed about motions. we rearranged the teams. we trained little bit. Then we have planned to go @ 10am.
09.30, school's car wasn't there! we couldn't use it! SHIT!!
Agramas stopped @ cilenggang. We took another risk : WENT to SMAN 14 JAKARTA BY TRAIN!
10.30, we arrive @ rawabuntu station. we bought the ticket and the train came then we entered the train. we asked info about how to reach cililitan ASAP. then luckily there was a nice woman who told us and accompanied us until we took a bus to UKI [God bless her].
11.30, we reached UKI then we took angkot to take us to SMA 14. The driver nodded. but we felt strange because we haven't arrived yet even it has 12.00 ! then the driver stupidly asked us "where is SMA 14?". I was angry and force him to make U turn and brought us back! there was an ACCIDENT when the driver almost hit a rider then that rider angry.It took almost my precious 10 minutes but the accident was ended "happily". but we missed Friday Pray. we came at the right time and reregistered. We used much money to register.
13.10, the competition started. 1st preliminary my team face Smukie Bandung A. we won!
2nd preliminary we face Canisius College B. we luckily won again..
actually we didn't have enough money to buy lunch. but fortunately the comitee gave us snack! even just few snack it could save us!
but it hasn't finished yet! we have problem about went home.
I just have Rp 22.000 left
Haryo Rp 2.000
Tya Rp 8.000
Viki about Rp 30.000
tyas Rp 45.000
then I forget Ibhel's and Nisa's money.
we decided to split based on our home. Me, Haryo, and tya better to take bus to BSD. Viki, Tyas, Ibhel and Nisa better to take bus to Lebak bulus. so we splitted and LUCKILY all of us reached home alive
Ice age debate
Euphoria 09 : SMA Dwiwarna
Semifinal round
I couldnt forget "ICE AGE" debate.
the motion was "THBT solution of climate change can be found in eonomic growth" and we acted as gov.
we took parameter in Germany coz it has proven that its economic growth can make it become world lowest carbon emmiter. But what on earth the negative stated that "there are no solution for climate change because climate change has happened even since million years ago and it has provrn by there was ICE AGE but it has melted down." and they keep explaining about that.
And we give them trully sarcasm. what my team stated? this is:
Viki stated "we do this debate coz we want 2 find solution, not going to preach as prophet"
I did POI and asked "so, whats ur solution? will you just waiting for global warming with praying?"
Salsa closed the debate with saying "It just like we try to prevent global warming while they were watching ICE AGE 3 in the cinema"
Everyone were laughing..
Jumat, 26 Juni 2009
Debaters United in Dufan (DUID) : Great vacation
Finally DUID was hels in 25th June 2009.
Jumat, 19 Juni 2009
Dia yang tak pernah lelah menyapu Al-kautsar setiap pulang sekolah